Cheating in a relationship is painful and can be hard to detect. However, there are some telltale signs that can help you figure out if something is wrong. Interestingly, many of these signs involve the use of cell phones. Here are the top three signs that someone might be cheating on you.

1. Phone Face Down

One of the first signs that someone might be cheating is if they always keep their phone face down when they are with you. This behavior can be a big red flag for several reasons:

Hiding Notifications: Keeping the phone face down means you can’t see any incoming messages or notifications. They might be hiding something from you.
Avoiding Questions: If you ask why their phone is face down and they don’t have a good reason, it could mean they are trying to avoid having to explain who is messaging them.
General Suspicion: If this behavior is consistent, such as always placing their phone face down regardless of the situation, it could mean they are trying to keep something from you.


Imagine your boyfriend or girlfriend comes over, and every single time, their phone is face down on the table. No matter what you’re doing—watching a movie, having dinner, or just talking—their phone is always face down. This behavior suggests they are hiding their notifications and messages from you.

2. Phone Always on Silent

Another major sign is if their phone is always on silent when they are around you. This can be suspicious for a few reasons:

No Alerts: You never hear their phone ring or buzz when they are with you, but when you’re apart, they respond to messages quickly.
Excuses: When you ask why their phone is always silent, they might say things like, “Oh, nobody ever contacts me,” which can feel like a lie.
Inconsistent Behavior: If their phone is loud and active when you’re not together but mysteriously quiet when you are, something might be going on.


Consider this scenario: Your partner’s phone never makes a sound when you’re together. Yet, when you text them while they’re away, they reply almost instantly. This inconsistent behavior can be a sign that they are trying to avoid getting caught in a suspicious situation.

3. Phone Always Hidden

The third sign is if they always keep their phone hidden. This means they might keep it in their pocket, bag, or even under a pillow—anywhere out of sight. Here’s why this is concerning:

Out of Sight: If their phone is never in plain view, they might be trying to prevent you from seeing something.
Access Denied: They could be trying to avoid situations where you might pick up their phone or glance at the screen.
Red Flags: If you ask why their phone is hidden and they give vague or unsatisfactory answers, it can be a major red flag.


Think about this: You notice that your girlfriend always keeps her phone hidden when she’s with you. She might say she doesn’t need to check it, even though she has kids who might need to reach her. Then, one day, you find out she has been seeing someone else all along. Her behavior was a huge sign that something was wrong.


These three signs—keeping the phone face down, always having the phone on silent, and hiding the phone—are major red flags in a relationship. If you notice these behaviors, it’s important not to ignore them. They can indicate that your partner might be hiding something from you. It’s always better to address your concerns and talk openly with your partner about your feelings. Trust your instincts and take the necessary steps to protect your heart.